星期五下午与auntie Irene, Sharon, L-5 和他的同事Rayomond约好去新达城逛PC Show, 之后auntie Irene 提议不如一块回去她的家试用她的新烘炉做kueh lapis. 除了Sharon 没有跟随我们 ,大伙儿买齐了所需的材料后,就马上着手kueh lapis 的制作。。。这可是我第一次尝试做kueh lapis.... 在此要感谢Auntie Irene 的细心教导!
烘烤中的千层糕.....是用auntie Irene 新添的烘炉 Turbo Mira TKWS1523Q-Q1 制作的。 它的容量是23litres, 具备了烘焙layer cake的功能,因为它有Upper and Lower Heating with Convection Fan,而且价钱非常大众化. Auntie Irene 虽已拥有了一个性能不错,多功能的大型烘烤炉, 但是它却没有上下火功能,所以她屡试做千层糕效果都不理想,小有遗憾,这次终于让她如愿以偿了,重温旧梦了。。。
kueh lapis 不负众望,漂亮的呈现在我们的眼前,熟度软度恰恰好,口感绝佳,除了混合香料,也加进少许香醇的rum ,使蛋糕散发出更加迷人的芳香,对于第一次尝试就得到如此成绩,大家都喜形于色,auntie Irene 也惊喜这一个价钱不超过新币200元的烤炉能烘出如此理想的千层糕,不禁对此烘炉另眼相看哦!嘻嘻~
以上两张也是我们星期五做的kueh lapis!在此也要谢谢我的得力左右手,L-5 和 Raymond 从旁相助,他们分别帮忙称蛋糕糊和每隔五分钟把蛋糕取出再放进,才能迅速的完成任务!嘻嘻!
Auntie Irene 鼓励我索性把剩余的牛油和炼奶拿回家练习做。。。于是我在星期六下午闭门修炼刚学会的功夫咯! 原本是要让auntie Irene 好好的休息一天,诛不知她老人家闲不下来,星期六早上打来告诉我她看到新烘炉把千层糕做成后,也跃跃欲试,打算自己也做一个来给星期日到来的Mary, Oink Oink 和 Sharon 品尝.....
这就是我在家独自一人单枪匹马挑战的kueh lapis. 由于是用我新买的烘烤炉,只烘了两次蛋糕,还抓不到它的脾气,火力掌握得不好,千层糕要接近完成时,温度高了许多,以至表皮烘得容易焦,吓得我把温度提早调低,导致最后两三层不熟透,唉。。。美中不足,希望下次会做得很好,不会再有焦皮出现咯,哈哈~~ (注:照片拍的效果不好,比原来的蛋糕更黑了许多哟!)
这就是我在家里制作的layer cake 特写,唯一可以安慰的是层次线条还算匀称分明,虽然口感会比较Q,但是味道还是一样的香。。。后来尝到auntie Irene 在星期六再做的 kueh lapis, 还是觉得它的口感像cake,比较好吃!
这是auntie Irene 星期天与我们分享的新菜单-香酥五香肉,原来这道deep fried pork cutlet 是auntie Irene念中学时,学校食堂售卖,最令她念念不忘的菜肴。。。黏上自制脆炸粉,把肉炸至熟,效果外脆内嫩,吃了齿颊留香,拌以青瓜片, 爽口解腻,绝配!auntie Irene 庆幸经过多次尝试,终于让她找回年少时期记忆中的味道和口感。 这道auntie Irene 私房菜应该会在往后的日子与大家分享,大家要耐心等待噢。。。
哈哈哈,差一点忘了谢谢auntie Irene 为我们准备的晚餐,也谢谢Sharon and L-5 的帮忙,Oink Oink & Mary 的莅临!嘻嘻~
Any more chance in further to taste your Kueh Lapis... kekeke....
Hi Margaret,
Seems like you were very busy over the weekend ya. Congratulation for successfully making your kuih lapis. As for me, still don't know anything about kuih lapis...ha..ha..
key too fast, keke... should be future not further... keke...
Nv know u all go to the Exhibition on last friday, i also been there last friday afternoon too. if i know u all go too i will join u all!
Thank you Auntie Irene, L-5, Margaret, Sharon for the dinner, I enjoyed very much. Also thanks to Mary for sparing a little time to join in the dinner,so difficult to c her leh. Hope she din lost her way yesterday, hehe....
Auntie Irene,
The chilli prawn bei hiang leh, wa a sei jia gou ka hiang leh. keke..
The Turbo oven can bake the kuih lapis so well, my oven very difficult to control the heat too. If I dont have a oven, I will consider to buy that too cos its a value-4-$ buy, hor?
hi Sharon
sure, no problem but depend on my baking mood, 可遇不可求哦, 哈哈哈...this time my kueh lapis is not very successful due to my poor temperature control, I'm going to try to do it again...
Hi Becky
thank you for your encouragement...ya, very busy...2 days of kueh lapis making, one at auntie Irene house & one at home...u want to learn it from auntie Irene? now that she has this new oven, can teach kueh lapis...
how have you been lately, busy right? didn't see u updating your blog for awhile...
Hi ds
hahaha....u are really numbers sensitive yo, I didn't even notice it...有买的话,祝你们好运咯!
Hi Michelle
oh u were also at the exhibition last Friday afternoon! ya if know should have met up...hahaha.... many people there hor, we all have to walk together...we also didn't cover all floors (skip level 4) and left before 5pm. how long did u stay? did u buy anything worthy?
Hi Oink Oink
aiyo, don't mention la, i didn't do much this time...hahaha...need to thank auntie Irene, Sharon & L-5... esp. Sharon for buying the prawns...
hahaha...u super chilli queen, see the way u eat the chilli padi spoon by spoon 你真的是吃辣椒长大的...auntie Irene有对手了,这回她可要甘拜下风咯。。。嘻嘻。。。
ya, the Turbo oven can bake the kuih lapis so well, it's easier to control the heat. If I haven't got the oven, I will also consider buying this value-for-money oven.
Hi Eileen,
对了,你和同事刚从泰国度假回来,好玩吗? 去之前你刚病好,现在身体无恙吧?
Hi Margaret,
Lately I was very busy cause need to prepare for the new house renovation. So many things to attend & consider, 真的是头大。。I think I will be 头大 till end of the year.
I don't mind to be your guinea pig leh... kekeke...
Ah Oink
I also didn't do much, Aunty Irene, Margaret and L-5 are the one who doing the things....
Hi Margaret
Last week events were so beautifully described.
Think next IT Show should post in blog to gather all those interested in going together.
Practise make perfect. I think u will make a good K.L. next time.
香酥五香肉really yummy......
Chilli onik,
物以稀為貴嘛!久久才讓你見我一次那你才會珍惜嗎!:) 還有。。。 I am not as 山龟 as you, I just want to make sure only meh!
总算你已成功了会烘kueh lapis.你上层烧焦, 因为你的温度太高了, 最后一层你需调低火度。Anyway, 做得不错。下次再试烘,加油哟!
Hi Becky
ya...house renovation and moving have a lot of things to attend to...try not to get too stressed up...till end of the year still have plenty of time...if too stressed, perhaps bake something u are good at could be quite therapeutic in a way...hahaha... that's what one of my ex-colleages told me...
hi Sharon
ok lah noted, u said it many times liao....hahaha...
hi L-5
thank you....and thanks for your encouragement.
hi Mary
hahaha u know...both Oink & I remembered the last time u heading for Changi Airport also asked direction from auntie Irene, so worry that u lost your way la...
hi Joanne,
post up comment 时才看到你刚留言。。。
你回来了吗?这么快?哈哈~谢谢你的提点,我用220度C, 烤炉温度越做越高,看来下次要改用210了(和auntie Irene一样),上两层我已开始调低了,但是表皮焦而且烘得不够熟透。谢谢你的鼓励,我会再试的。
Margaret, after seeing your kuih lapis,think of baking also.
Auntie Irene 会不会在厨房笔记教香酥五香肉呢?好想学嘞!嘻嘻。。。
Alamak, when come to driving har, don't say I 山龟 ok, I got 13yrs experience and I got navigator also ok. Lala...haolian.... (my trademark also, boh bian).Hehe...
Also har, your eyes don't cross ok, don't spell my name wrong leh. Keke...
我还没回来,现在住在Alor Setar(吉打)只想看看你们有没有新作品post up.
hi Dorene
u are really very good with making kuih lapis, piece of cake of u ya...hahaha...
hi Nicole
hi Eileen
Auntie Irene 应该会在厨房笔记教香酥五香肉,你要留意噢!嘻嘻。。。
普吉岛是个度假圣地,惬意悠闲,任谁都会流连忘返!嘻嘻~~ 痊愈就好,又可以烘蛋糕了 ...
hi Joanne
haha...lucky u can access to internet in Penang, then u will not miss any new postings.
When are u returning home?
hi Kate
谢谢你的鼓励!嗬嗬~~ 其实我还有待进步...
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