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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Greeting all the way from afar !

Hi everybody

Greetings all the way from Boston, USA.... Once again, Merry X'mas!! I have received several greeting sms while I was here, pardon me for not replying...

I have been travelling from New York City to various cities and states over the last 8 days incluidng New Jersey, Manhattan, Pennsylvania, Philadaphia, Washington DC .... to Canada Niagara Falls, Toronto, Ottawa, Ontario, Montreal, Quebec City, today back to USA, Boston. (some of names I might not have spelt correctly coz don't have my itininery & notes with me). By end of tomorrow we will be end of our trip with the guided tour and my friends and I will be on our own for a few more days to catch up with real shoppings & other sight-seeing at NY... For the past few days, we have spent quite a lot on food (expensive yo) and not much shoppings....

It has been pretty hectic coz we practically travelling around in a coach bus and everyday have to check in & out at different hotel. Everyday got to wake up early to start off the day and check in late at night. However, we have covered a lot of places and see a lot of beautiful scenaries and nice buildings, so I think overall it is still worthwhile going through the trouble. This is my first visit to the USA and Canada, so we thought going on a guided tour would be more beneficial as we can cover more places. If given a choice for a repeat visit, we would go on free & easy for sure.

The weather has been rather cold so far, not snowing when we arrived in New York, but there was evidence of winter storm a few days before we arrived, so we were very lucky in a way to have missed the worst weather. Along the way we saw a lot of snow covered scenaries...only until the day before yesteray when we were at Montreal, we managed to experience snow showers right before us.... everyone was so excited and happy.... at least we have experienced the snowy white Christmas eve... All in all, I would say that the cold was bearable provided it was not windy.... My friends and I were having a good time so far...

Ok...so much for tonight... got to go back to my room to catch some sleep liao... coz tomorrow have to wake up very early at 5.30am.... I still not very sleepy coz on and off sleeping in the coach...

Not sure when I'll be able to access to the internet again.... until then, wish u all a Happy New Year !! Cheers!

Monday, December 17, 2007


I will be missed this Christmas & New Year as I am going on a holiday trip, probably be having a freezing White Christmas this time round. Nevertheless, I will be taking away all the warmth I have from my home country and all your well wishes.

回顾今年,收获蛮多的,其中之一就是结识了热心助人的auntie Irene,承蒙她的厚爱,让我学到了很多美味佳肴,增进了很多烘焙知识,和间接认识了多位对烘焙有兴趣的姐妹们,让我受益不浅。。。友谊万岁。。。

在此预先祝贺所有的Kaypoh Club Members 和blogger & baking friends:



Thursday, December 13, 2007

My 1st attempt with Tiramisu at home...



今早比平时早起,美梦也被中断,就为了要替蛋糕撒粉装饰,脱模,拍照和切开来给家人当早餐。。。时间不多了,还得快快冲凉更衣,赶去公司开会。。。 超忙,超赶的。。。


这里要非常感谢教我做成这个Tiramisu auntie Irene 。。。谢谢你的sponge cake, 谢谢你的mould,谢谢你的奶(鲜奶啦),谢谢你的。。。辛苦你咯。。。哈哈~~~

Monday, December 10, 2007

Brisk Walking at Parks 与狗同乐

Clue to where this nice park is .......

This is Changi Beach Park, walking distance from Changi Village, ample parking space, can take bus no. 89 from Pasir Ris Drive 1

I’ve been participating in some morning Feet-to-Walk programmes at a few parks some weekends ago. This programme was initiated by Health Promotion Board aim to encourage more people to do brisk walking as well as explore some beautiful parks in Singapore, as they believe some places are not known to many people.

The following venue was one of the interesting parks I've been to. This time it was jointly organized with SPCA to encourage pet owners to brisk walk with their pet dogs as they also need regular exercise like us.

starting of the brisk walking from 8am.
<冬季恋歌Winter Sanota>的那一幕啊?


哈哈~ make a guess lah...will give a clue later if no one guess it right... This mini dog is very cute, caught the attention of many people - it could run really very fast with its short legs, so much so that the young lady has to literally run after it.

this black dog has very unique tail. The young couple owner told us that it was an adopted stray dog from SPCA. I am glad that the dog has at last found a lovely home.

this dog looked big but it's very loving, gentle & friendly. See many dogs got close to it & even muak muak with it...so endearing...

"after a lot of running, very tired liao, let me take a rest"

I'm very impressed with the training these dogs received. They were very amazingly well disciplined, got along very well with other dogs and did not bark to strangers at all.
a gathering of different species of dogs. I believe most, if not all, were adopted dogs from SPCA, and the members were invited to participate in the walk.

this fortunate dog was adorned with a nice attire, the owner must have love it very much.

Although I am not really into dog, I have enjoyed this walk with these amiable dogs.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Yoghurt Bread

昨天auntie Irene 心血来潮,想做面包,于是一个人在家研制出不同 patterns Yoghurt 甜面包谢谢auntie Irene 的分享!它们成了我和家人今天的早餐,有了新鲜美味软绵的 yoghurt bread ,姐姐买的四方面包昨晚暂时被打入冷宫咯(送进冰箱去也)!哈哈~


这两朵大阳花蛮逗趣可爱的。悄悄告诉你哦,本来还有一点不雅的,被我纠正过来了,嘻嘻~ Mary啊, 要谢谢你的cheese hotdog , 分布在整个pizza bread.上,不但漂亮还很美味哟!


撒上酥脆奶油香的streasel topping ,不但为小面包增添美感,还多了另一层口感哦

Monday, December 03, 2007

柔情蜜意的 Tiramisu

又是一个大开眼界和充实的星期六,因为auntie Irene 终于教我做这个我期待已久的意大利著名贵族甜糕点 Tiramisu )。

Tiramisu的主要成分是顶级的cheese. 浸满香浓咖啡和特级咖啡酒海棉蛋糕和芝士mousse已融为一体,不像在吃蛋糕了,口感非常的幼滑,入口即化,超棒!难怪尝过富有浓郁咖啡香味乳酪味Tiramisu 的人都对它趋之若鹜,情有独钟!

非常感谢auntie Irene 破例分享这个精致高贵的超赞糕点食谱!让我尝过后有幸福洋溢和甜蜜的感觉!谢谢您的用心和对我的耐心!嘻嘻~~

(auntie Irene 说我的可可粉因为少放了base,撒得不美,, 不过我对这个Tiramisu 的口味和口感已经非常满意咯!正如Nicole 以前常说,现在不敢再说的: “外表不美不重要,最重要的是内涵!” 无论如何,还是希望下次能做得更完美, 哈哈~

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Steam Moist Chocolate Cake 蒸巧克力蛋糕

这就是auntie Irene 即将会通过DJ Violet 的‘厨房笔记’教的 Steam Moist Chocolate Cake,这次她尝试做成 little cup cake, 让我先在这里呈现给大家。她一共做了十多个,要我带一些去office让同事品尝,每人尝一个后,都异口同声的直呼说: “ It's very nice。。。" 非常感谢auntie Irene 的分享


看到我把特别调制的浓郁巧克力浆徐徐的淋在小蛋糕上,正在开会的同事们都转移视线了,目不转睛的看傻了眼,哈哈~ 在我身旁帮忙拍照的马来男同事在那里碎碎念: "Wow! it's very sinful, very sinful..." (意思是说把那么多诱人的巧克力吃进肚子里, 好罪过,好有罪恶感啊!)。。。可是我一倒完浆,他已迫不及待的先尝为快咯。。。嘻嘻~

淋了满满的巧克力浆,配一小块蛋糕一起呷入口中,哇!可想而知,口感和味感更加棒了!yummy yummy :P~~~ 是不是令人垂涎欲滴?
我再近距离拍, 让大家看到顺滑得发亮发光的巧克力浆,说它可以当镜子照脸一点也不为过噢!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cheddar Cheese Cake Loaf & Steam Cup Cake

善解人意的Auntie Irene 知道我也垂涎于那天送个Richard 的Cheddar Cheese Cake Loaf (因为嗅足了cheese 迷人的香味,可是每个人只能尝到一丁点儿, 胃口被吊起来了啦! ),所以也做了一个让我解馋。 谢谢auntie Irene !

这个 cheddar cheese cake 真的是香味扑鼻,我相信很少人可以抗拒得了它。撒满了cheddar cheese 的蛋糕外皮,烘到金黄色,非常香脆可口,蛋糕融合了牛油和cheddar cheese 的独特微咸奶香味,‘里应外合’夹攻,吃了齿颊留香,让人陶醉其中。

不仅如此,巧思的Auntie Irene 还尝试用一半的糕糊蒸成cheddar cheese cup cake, 刚蒸熟的蛋糕口感软绵,cheese 的浓香味也完全被提了出来。再淋上特别调配的香滑浓郁巧克力浆,哗! 更加不得了了,香醇的巧克力加上乳酪香,绝配!简直妙不可言!

谢谢auntie Irene 介绍这个美味无比的蛋糕给我们!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

French Loaf 尖头面包

这就是我一直嚷嚷要auntie Irene 教我做的尖头面包,有长型和椭圆形的,哈哈~ 这次做的是稍微有肉和比较软的本地版french loaf, 因为我不是很喜欢那种又瘦又硬的法国面包baguette咯。
谢谢auntie Irene 让我如愿以偿,做成了尖头面包!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cheese Cup Cake

这些cheese cup cake 是我在屠妖节下午去auntie Irene 家学做的。她知道我喜欢吃乳酪,于是提议我不如做这个方便冷藏又可以慢慢享用的cup cake。Light Cheese cupcake 乳酪味香浓,口感软绵,入口即化,再淋上顺滑香醇的巧克力浆配搭在一起细细品尝,哗噻! 两种美味配合得天衣无缝,味道更发挥到淋漓尽自,超棒哦! 感谢auntie Irene 的推荐!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

金黄油亮的 〈黄金蛋小面包〉

看到大伙儿都陆续的制作了小面包,觉得little buns很可爱漂亮,我和auntie Irene 蠢蠢欲动,也来凑凑热闹。 昨晚就联合做了两盘黄金蛋小面包。取这个名,顾名思义,因为觉得它黄澄澄亮晶晶的, 好像一盘盘黄金哟!嘻嘻!你说呢?
Auntie Irene 特地用边沿有滚边的烤盘来排列小面包,是不是特别好看?
哇,面包除了有奶油香味外,松软得不在话下 ,像吃棉花似的, 今天早上吃还是一样叻! 我们还用牛油块和绿豆袢泥做馅料, 非常好吃噢,赞!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My first X'mas Log Cake & Decorative Fruit Cake

昨天我和Mary特地拿了一天的假到auntie Irene的家,一起学习制作X'mas Log Cake 蛋糕装饰 Dorene因为有事不能和我们一起实习,好可惜哦!我们在auntie Irene 师傅的督促下一口气,马不停蹄的做了好多蛋糕噢,过了好充实的一天! 非常感谢师傅的用心教导,让我们如愿以偿,大开眼界,学习了真正的蛋糕制作和装饰。


这一个大树桐蛋糕,非常可爱哟! 我把它送给我的大哥一家人,希望小侄女会喜欢。也要感谢大哥,有劳他昨天应我的临时要求,冒雨载送我回家,嘻嘻!

Mary和我第一次学做蛋糕装饰,亲自把一个decorative fruit cake完美的呈现出来,好有满足感哦!馅料是用我喜欢的蓝草莓做成的,甜中带微酸,非常美味可口!!

层次分明的 blueberry cake, 真是好吃得不得了。。。蛋糕so spongy & soft, and the cream is so nice.... yummy ~ 它是我今天的下午茶糕点...吃在嘴里,甜在心里,一切尽在不言中。。。

Mary 也做了三样蛋糕,请到她的blog观赏哦。。。

Wednesday, November 07, 2007



姐姐曾做过marble butter cake,不过她是用milo powder,当然没有可可粉做的香啦。记得上一次用auntie Irene 教的食谱第一次自己把牛油蛋糕做成时,口感很松软,全家人都赞不绝口,让我信心大增!

一直以来烘焙都是两位在念书时有上过家政班的姐姐的专长,我完全沾不上边的,只有吃的份,嘻嘻~ 有时看到四姐做失败时很气馁,因为我对烘焙一窍不通,也爱莫能助。那时先母看到她失败多过于成功,蛋糕不是不发,就是不熟透,渐渐的也不再期盼,反而安慰她出去买算了,让她非常泄气,还交待我们别在她做蛋糕之前泼冷水,以免一语成真,哈哈~

现在还是喜欢烹饪的姐姐不常做蛋糕了(因为我takeover了),喜欢吃糕点的妈妈也不在我身边,不能品尝了。。。我才学会做像样的蛋糕糕点。。。唉~~ 一边写一边回忆着,突然好想念好怀念我妈 。。。

起初,常常一个人无助的做糕点做到焦头烂耳,累坏了,不过当我看到做成功的糕点,家人吃了赞赏,我就心满意足了。我很庆幸通过收听广播,有缘认识到亲切友善,烹饪厨艺了得的auntie Irene师傅,她毫无保留的分享了她的食谱和心得,诚心诚意的教导,让我和很多人都受益不浅。感谢您无私的分享。。。还有通过她认识更多志同道合的你们,一班可爱好玩的烹饪爱好者。。。从素未谋面到相识结交成朋友,一起学习,一起挨骂,一起欢笑。。。真是很难得,大家要好好珍惜噢。。。:)

Monday, November 05, 2007

圣诞树桐蛋糕 / 炸酱面 / 甜甜圈 / Tako

昨天Joanne, Oink Oink 又在auntie Irene 的家学做了多样美食:

Auntie Irene 特地料理了味道一级棒的炸酱面让我们大块朵颐。肉酱配上了清脆可口的红萝卜丝,黄瓜丝和辣椒丝,还有其它佐料一起吃,非常好吃,炸肉酱的味道刺激着你的味觉,让人食欲大开

这是泰国著名的甜品Tako. 我们用了比一般玉蜀黍还香甜的金马伦黄白玉蜀来取代马蹄water chestnut,加上绿豆粉和椰浆来做这道顺滑的冷甜品,又有椰香和pandan叶香,非常美味可口,

还做了Oink Oink 喜欢吃的甜甜圈 donut balls,漂亮吗?

看到Mabel Eileen 已经在星期六向auntie Irene 学做了两个美呆了的圣诞树桐蛋糕,我们也重点出击,延续做Christmas Log Cake我觉得制作和装饰圣诞树桐蛋糕宛如在雕朔一个艺术品,加上小巧可爱的圣诞装饰品的点缀,就能把整个蛋糕衬托得美轮美奂,让人看了舍不得把它切来吃。

真不得不佩服才华洋溢,富有艺术细胞的auntie Irene 的功力和创作才能,把树桐雕朔得栩栩如生,赏心悦目!谢谢auntie Irene 师傅的细心教导和示范这看似简单,做起来却蛮有挑战性的蛋糕。

这是Joanne 圣诞树桐蛋糕,是不是超漂亮的? 你看了肯定也蠢蠢欲动,想试做一个!不是吗? 嘻嘻~~

这是auntie Irene Oink Oink 制作的迷你小圣诞树桐蛋糕,是不是也很精巧可爱,让人爱不释手哟?!

非常感谢auntie Irene 又让我们度过了一个丰富的星期天!

About Me

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an ordinary Singaporean lady beginner in baking