Auntie Irene 说 chiffon cake 其实可以做成很多口味的,尝试了pandan, coffee, chocolate flavour 的 chiffon cakes, 星期六就试做orange chiffon 吧! Orange chiffon cake 可是我三姐常做,并较得意的蛋糕,这次我可要做一个口感比她好的香橙戚风蛋糕让家人尝尝! 大家吃得不亦乐乎,一个早餐就吃到所剩无几了。。。这个Orange Chiffon Cake 很质感很细腻,松软,轻按时,还会spring back呢!鲜橙的自然芳香味当然不在话下,还未尝到,已闻到清香味扑鼻而来,让人精神为之一振!你怎能错过这个含有维他命C的健康蛋糕呢?
星期天下午, 我们为Xueli 欢庆生日。。。
以上的美食是由来自柔佛古来, 厨艺和烘焙手艺精湛的Michelle Chear 制作,有:非常入味的香辣奶黄鸡翼,酸甜辣A-char, Lemon Poppy Seed Cake 和 椰香鸡蛋菜燕。
再来,还有厨艺和烘焙也很了得的Joanne, 带来非常美味的香辣蟹肉沾酱配黄金馒头和甘香炒面让我们果腹。。。我很喜欢蟹肉沾酱,很鲜甜浓郁。。。
在此真心感谢Michelle 和 Joanne 常常为我们的聚会贡献美食,我好喜欢你们带来的食物,常常带来惊喜,让我们尝试到新的东西。。。
接下来,就是auntie Irene 的 wo ko kueh 蒸米糕了! 这个传统古早味糕点的制作可不简单,要提前三天开始准备米糕的主要材料。。。看它们发得咧嘴大笑,等待是值得的。。。沾着椰丝红糖吃,别有一番滋味,好吃!
Auntie Irene 也在星期六准备了巧克力和咖啡口味的Macaron, 还特地赶在星期天早上烘焙加了prunes 的kueh lapis 让大家品尝, 还加上清凉可口的银耳红枣炖鹌鹑蛋!
最后登场的是auntie Irene 精心为寿星婆 Xueli 制作的巧克力香草蛋糕,ganache 顺滑光亮如一面镜子,很漂亮,雪糕也很幼滑,冰冰凉凉的,为炎热的下午增添凉意! 赞哦!
在此,要特别感谢我们功不可没的策划人,劳苦功高的auntie Irene 贴心的安排,让大家又有机会共聚一堂,享用美食,叙叙旧,话家常。。。也要谢谢Oink Oink, Nicole, Sharon 和 L-5 的协助和出席,one way or the other....
Margaret, wow so many yummy food.What a great gathering,but be careful your weight hor.hahaha
Hi Margaret,
Your chiffon cake outcome like pro already le..ha..ha..very happy for you.
So many yummy food indeed.
哇!这么多美食看得我口水直流了。好喜欢你的chiffon cake烘得好漂亮哟,再接再厉。。
Thank you so much for sharing your chiffon cake with me, a bit paisei to take 1 whole pc leh, hehe...
I enjoy attending all these Birthday celebrations, cos got alot of food to try and eat.
Hmmm... delicious hor, aiya I should have tried your orange chiffon that night.. regret lei. Next time I also want one mini chiffon from you hor. hehehe.
Yes like Dorene said... heheh careful weight hor. Must remember to exercise as well.
Oink Oink - Wow eat one whole mini orange chiffon cake hor... don't jia jia paiseh lah. hehehee...
too bad i got no chance to taste your orange chiffon cake, wonder got any more chance to taste it, whahahaha....
It was indeed a nice celebration/gathering with all the yummy food.
hi Dorene
hahaha...thanks for reminding me...I know I'm putting on more kilos...:( Very jia luck hor, how to go slim with all these yummy food, think have to work very hard to shred off the extra pounds liao...oh ya, we missed your presence leh, last time u brought so much laughthers & fun to our gathering...
hi Becky
thank u very much for your compliments, don't forget I have auntie Irene's guidance, I'm sure u can make it just as good. How u are coping well with your house renovation? take it easy, don't be stressed ya...
hi Sally
hi Joanne
hi Oink Oink problem la, u are most welcomed! your ah boy like to eat this flavour chiffon cake boh?
yeah,can enjoy great food from many 厨艺高手,多亏他们大展身手,让我们口福不浅哟,有机会尝到多种美食...
Hi Mabel
ya lo, 你来也匆匆,去也匆匆。1 mini chiffon cake for u, ok lah no problem, make sure u can come to collect hor, hahaha... btw have tried baking chiffon cake, if not, should give it a try, u see now Oink Oink bakes at least once a week, coz little oink loves to eat chiffon cake.
Yes madam Mabel, I heard it loud & clear.. hehehe... how did u manage to keep slim har, do u still jog regularly nowadays...but I hate jogging leh, can only do brisk walking...
hi Sharon
don't like that la, next time sure will have chance...aiyeh u also baked a lot of cakes at home le, and for your frenz too, but so far we also don't have a chance to sample it leh, we got chance to try one boh? hahaha...
hi Michelle
Oops!! 对不起,是我搞错了哟,我本来就记得你来自古来的嘛,可是昨天听到你提起笨珍,还以为之前我搞错了呢!哈哈哈~(我已经改正了)anyway, 我对柔佛不熟,不晓得这两个地方是毗邻吗?
hi L-5
yeah, indeed it was a great gathering with great food.
No problem. In fact this 2 place quite a distance need to take about 1 hr drive to reach there.
Aiyo Margaret
U know lah, Aunty Irene standard so high, my no standard one, i bring, so ma loo leh...
Though food already finished and digested long ago but seems like my saliva still dropping leh...i think i also want try to bake the chiffon cake one day hor...heeheehee
hi Michelle,
thanks for clearing my doubts, so these 2 places are quite far apart...Johor is really a vast place...
hi Sharon
u can lah! then I have ma lu many times liao...
I have been bringing my bakes for auntie Irene to sample whenever I have the opportunity, so as to receive outright comment from her. Of course it's nice to receive compliments, however, genuine comments help one to learn and improve next time.
丑媳妇终究要见家翁嘛!嘻嘻 !
hi Xueli
haha...the fluffiness of the chiffon cake is really very nice, for me, I prefer it to sponge cake...go and give it a shot, I'm sure u all will like it too.
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