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Sunday, November 29, 2009


星期六下午, 已从台湾度假回来的Nicole当然也不能落人后, auntie Irene 也让她把菠萝包学起来, 之后也顺便让Nicole带一些给在打羽毛球的二弟和侄女等人享用夹上芝士片的菠萝包....我们也个享用一个...

趁热夹上cheese slice 的polo bun 后送入口中, 味道果然比夹上butter 的更加棒哟! 吃到甜脆脆的上层菠萝皮, 软棉棉的包身, 再加上咸香的芝士, 太好吃了!

好吃的菠萝包百吃不厌, 反正闲着也是闲着, 我又再复习多做一份当早餐, 这次做的菠萝皮烘后的效果比之前的更加漂亮, 较薄的皮果然分裂得更加像菠萝(广东话)了, 也就是菠萝包(Pineapple bun or polo bun) 名字的由来喔! 嘻嘻嘻~ 我还特地买了一个凤梨来陪衬它, 来个相映成趣的视觉效果...

我留半打做成不加菠萝皮的mini burger bun. 好喜欢看到发到圆滚滚, 光滑溜溜的小面包, 质感超柔软的... 爱死它了...

夹上ham & cheese 的burger bun, hmmm...好好吃喔! 你要不要也来一个呀?

"(^.^)" ((^.^)) ~(^.^)~

星期天, 我们三人又有新尝试咯....做了两样西式糕点...

这个美国金瓜派American Pumpkin Pie, 我们四人(加上傍晚下班后过来的Echo)都好喜欢又香又滑的金瓜馅...

还制作了香橙小蛋糕, 浓郁清香的橙味一阵一阵飘香于空气中, 已非常吸引人了. 蛋糕的质感比muffin 更细幼更松软, 赞! 想学吗? 那你可要留意收听fm 97.2 最爱下午茶时段的"厨房笔记"哦!

喔,对了, 你可能在纳闷我们晚餐吃什么....其实这两天Nicole 和auntie Irene 煮了刚在电视节目里学到的海南风味的蕃茄鸡, 甜甜的蕃茄汤汁很美味很开胃....太好吃了, 我们忙着吃, 连续两天忘了拍照, 不好意思, 这回只能靠你们的想象力咯.....嘻嘻嘻~~

谢谢auntie Irene 的分享与教导!


Eileen said...


我一定留意收听97.2厨房笔记介绍的香橙小蛋糕。受不了菠萝包、mini burger bun和香橙小蛋糕的诱惑,很想每个都拿来尝一尝。哈哈!

Michelle said...


Haha....我想Auntie Irene这次是爱上了这菠萝包了!

Mabel said...

Hi Margaret,

Hmmm...lovely, the look of it make my saliva drool. I called Auntie Irene on the phone last week, asking her to teach me how to make the bun, hee hee paiseh until now still haven't got the chance to do it.

Must start doing it soon, otherwise next two weekend will be busy making Christmas Log Cakes. I also thought of making the traditional fruit cakes, and the Christmas Stollen... aiyo... no time to do so many things leh...

I also looking forward to learn the two new dishes which Auntie Irene will be teaching over at 972.

Hee hee... so 贪心哦。不知道要做那一阳先。哈哈哈

L-5 said...


Wow!!! I missed out so much...

Think I can join u all only next wk. Haiz... busy, wat to do. :D


Margaret said...


哈哈~ 相信你没错过星期一和二的97.2厨房笔记, 已学到了香橙小蛋糕, 挺容易的, 难不倒你的。


是啊, 难得Auntie Irene终于觅到他喜爱的面包....菠萝包了!


Heehee….oh…Auntie Irene taught you over the phone last week, you still haven’t tried to bake, jia luck liao, she kept her waiting to view your produce…. Many of us who have learnt from her have already made many many times, liao coz their family members love the texture of the bun so much…. I bet you, your loved ones will also love it all the same… quickly start lo…don’t wait for Christmas…hahaha…like you said, you will have to bake many types of festive goodies…

The orange cup cake has been taught on air last yesterday, trust you have not missed it…就先学这一个吧! 哈哈~


Well, you sure are keeping yourself busy nowadays, busy dating + many activities ….busy it’s ok la, as long as it’s worth the while and you enjoy every minute of it…we will see you when we see you…

May said...


哈哈!我和你们一样也是对这菠萝包百吃不厌哟!Auntie Irene 告诉我说这金瓜派很好吃,叫我一定要试做看,我想我会在周末做来吃.。

Unknown said...


哈!哈Michelle说得对!Auntie Irene的确是爱上了这菠萝包了!我看我也不要笑Auntie Irene,我也一样也是对这菠萝包百吃不厌哟!金瓜派看起来很美味。

Margaret said...

sorry for the late reply, these few nights very tired, didn't surf the internet...




是啊,大家都和Auntie Irene一样钟意菠萝包了!金瓜派的确很美味,你虽然以前不喜欢吃金瓜, 现在知道它可以烹制许许多多美味可口的食物,应该不会再排斥了,也可以试一试做这一个西式的糕点,相信你应该也会喜欢的.

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an ordinary Singaporean lady beginner in baking