这个周末只有我和auntie Irene, Nicole 回关丹家探望家人去也, 大家都各忙各的...
咦! 这是什么那么香? 一片一片的像花盛开, 连小熊也虎视眈眈....
前几晚去auntie Irene 家, 聊啊聊的, 后来不知怎的好像是从蛋白聊开, 就提起了auntie Irene 一直挂在觜上很久, 却一直不曾制作的杏仁瓦片... 在我的一再要求下, auntie Irene 于是决定在这个周末做, 好让好奇的我见识做这个cookie 的辛苦和麻烦...
瞧! 这个almond flakes cookies 是不是看起来很薄脆? 它的确如此, 而且一片片满满的杏仁,非常香脆可口, 好好吃, 难怪尝过它的人无不爱上它, 都对它念念不忘, 一直询问auntie Irene几时再做. Auntie Irene说她已有五年没有制做杏仁瓦片了, 之前都是因为有手巧心细的妹妹auntie Kim助她一臂之力,她才有在新年期间做给亲朋好友, 后来妹妹患病后就没有再让她帮忙了, 从此以后这全手工制作繁琐的杏仁瓦片就在她的厨房销声匿迹了... 我算幸运了, 终于见识和品尝到这个有钱也买不到auntie Irene制作的曲奇.
Auntie Irene 担心我一个人做不来, 她自己又没有耐性做, 特地打电话叫妹妹过来示范给我看和帮我完成这不简单的任务, 果然见识到她的妹妹的巧手功夫, 做得又薄又快喔! 真不好意思, 得劳驾她携带两个年幼的孙女一起过来, 谢谢auntie Kim 和auntie Irene的协助, 一个帮忙制作, 一个帮忙烘烤, 多亏有你们, 要不然我说不定要做到半夜哩.... 加上还要应付两个可爱的小瓜的诸多要求, 一会儿询问怎么玩电脑游戏, 一会儿要上厕所, 搞到她们俩忙到不可开交, 嘻嘻~ 我终于领教到做这个杏仁瓦片的辛劳, 尤其是要做到像auntie Irene 所要求的水准, 不但费时, 还得有耐心和细心喔~
家人都对它赞不绝口, 三姐问我新年可否做来吃,她愿意帮我呢, 于是我告诉她auntie Irene 不喜欢做它的故事...
既然做开了杏仁曲奇, 一不做二不休, 我们也尝试做入口即化的white almond cookies. 说起这个酥化杏仁饼, 相信很多人都不陌生, 著名的糕饼店有售卖... 我们第一做时多加了杏仁片, 所以口感比较脆, 家人和auntie Irene 一样, 比较喜欢这样的香脆口感.
我觉得这个杏仁曲奇的特点是没有用到鸡蛋和牛油,所以烘好后依然是白白的... 星期天我们又再多做一份, 这回少放一点杏仁, 再稍微调整材料, 做到有入口即化的口感... 不知大家比较欣赏哪样的口感呢?
谢谢auntie Irene 的细心的教导和无私的分享!
Auntie Irene 有告诉我说制作这杏仁瓦片很繁琐,不容易做。
Well Done, give yourself a pad on the shoulder. Hee Hee... all by yourself this weekend, without any Kaypo members only with the help of aunties hahah..
I like the 2nd almond cookies look, it look something like kueh bangkit... Yea makes me feel chinese new year is coming. :)
Auntie Irene asked me to go down but I was tied up with other things so did not go down and see the making of the almond flakes. Looks like a lot of work and lots and lots of patience. But I guess is worth it.
Hmmm... wondering if .... shifu will teach again ;) hee hee...
哇!好漂亮的我杏仁脆片。我也喜欢杏仁脆片,不过我不曾做过,听aunt irene说的确要很多工夫也要会控制火度,要做也有点点怕怕哟!看到酥脆杏仁,我也想试做,看起来会比较容易做。
是啊, 杏仁脆片很香脆,很好吃, 相信尝过的人都会喜欢的…你曾做过,就会体会到它的难度…我这次第一次做, 幸好临时有熟手相助, 才能顺利在较短的时间完成任务…嘻嘻嘻~
哈哈, 我听她说了很久, 大概超过两年吧, 终于等到她肯做了! 是啊, 如果你过来看就会明了香脆可口的杏仁瓦片的制作是挺麻烦和讲究的, 要做厚度匀称, 需要慢工出细货,还要控制烤箱的温度, 不容易做。所以只有我和她妹妹专心做瓦片, auntie Irene一个人负责烤箱烘焙的工作. ..
酥化杏仁饼很好吃, 你可以学做..
Thanks…ya, fortunately auntie Irene decided to get her efficient sis to help up, or else we may take a much longer time to complete, cos she just left the making of the cookies to both of us entirely….she made it clear that she doesn’t have the patience to slowly work on the cookies, so I can’t rely on her…
Ya, its texture is just like kueh bangkit except that it contains almond flakes, and have no coconut fragrance... Yeah, we also thought the same, it’s like Chinese New Year is coming, when X’mas is not even over yet! hahaha…
It’s a pity you were tied up and missed this opportunity of learning the almond flakes with me when Auntie Irene has actually asked you to come down to learn… it indeed takes considerate amount of time and patience to make thin and flat layer of almond cookies., but it’s all worth it when you get to taste its crispiness.
Hahaha….that you will have to ask auntie Irene yourself and guess what she is going to say to you...hee hee...
杏仁瓦片的确吸引人,一个人是做不来的, 要不然会耗很多时间, 而且一个圆盘一次只能烘七片…酥脆杏仁饼就容易多了,你可以学做, 那么农历新年就可以享用了。
要做杏仁脆片最好有多一两个人帮忙,要不然单独一个人可能会比较吃力。要做到aunt irene要的程度, 得花多一点时间, 手工要很细, 又要控制烘烤的时间和温度, 要不得烤到焦黑就不美味了…
相对而言酥脆杏仁是比较容易做,又不怕烤黑, 你可以我试做来尝…
tat dai before i go back, Irene mama ald tell me, you will I one de... but what to do... i have to go home ma... :(
hope i learn this 杏仁瓦片 lo... Margaret, you know how to make already, right??? hee hee...
Wow!!! I missed so many yummy food. :(
No choice... recently a bit busy. :D
ya, auntie Irene told me about it...you know she really hates doing it, she rang for 救兵 (her sis) to help me & demo to me the right way make...in the beginning I also could not master at good as her...
if you really like to do, i believe she will let you try de except but you will have to make it all by yourself cos she made it clear that she's not going to put her hand to help you make de...
hahaha...after making so many, if I tell u I don't know how to make 杏仁瓦片 think I'll be in trouble....hee hee...
ya, you are rather busy lately...have indeed missed out quite a bit...
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