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Sunday, July 05, 2009


这有馅料的蒸鸡蛋糕是不是很眼熟?没错,有浏览Joanne的blog的网友就知道这是Joanne 曾为家人制做的蛋糕之一。在此,首要谢谢Joanne 分享这么棒的食谱.其实星期四auntie Irene 已经试做了一轮,蒸好的蛋糕的确很软绵微湿,芳香好吃!精益求精的Auntie Irene 为了想吃质感更加松软的鸡蛋糕,稍微改良了食谱,星期五又再制做了两份的,第一份让下午到访的粉樱拿回家吃,因为Violet的老公超爱吃这个蛋糕,吃了猛赞“好耶!”,说一直想吃这个有馅料的鸡蛋糕,可是外面却找不到。。。

第二份auntie Irene 傍晚才做,一份共做了三个loaf tins, 分别送给隔壁的auntie Ping, L-5 和我。这回的香肉馅鸡蛋糕很松软,肉馅也很美味,夹着浓郁的鸡蛋香,吃了满口留香,大家都好喜欢吃!

好吃的美食总是让人欲罢不能,星期六auntie Irene又再做蒸香肉馅鸡蛋糕,由于准备的馅料有多,我们连做了两份.以上就是我们的总产量了,大大小小的,还真不少哦...
这是我要求用小型的chiffon tube pan蒸制的香肉馅鸡蛋糕,效仿Joanne 一贯的做法.蒸后脱模的蛋糕表面很细腻,质感松软又好看! 它就是我和家人星期天的早餐!

这漂亮的圆形鸡蛋糕是隔壁的Auntie Ping 要求的,因为她超喜欢吃传统鸡蛋糕,所以要求我们做一个没有馅料的纯鸡蛋糕让她享用回味.

星期天,auntie Irene 特地教我做这个材料和做法对我来说比较简单的咖啡慕思蛋糕.浓郁的咖啡香闻了让人精神抖擞.吃起来更加幸福洋溢! 谢谢auntie Irene!
只用手指饼干垫底的coffee mousse cake 很细滑, 真的好好吃哟!入口即化的绵软口感让人为之着迷,上层光亮如镜子的jelly 也为蛋糕添加了多一层次的口感和咖啡香气.

我们还用两个酒杯装了coffee mousse.比较高的高脚杯是Auntie平的,较矮的是L-5的.大家吃了丰富的红糟鸡晚餐,肚子装不下这一大杯甜品了,只好拿回家慢慢享用.

感谢auntie Irene 的教导和分享,也谢谢auntie Ping 前几天分享的一品锅靓汤和晚餐,让我们口福不浅,好幸福哦!嘻嘻嘻~


ds said...

Wow! 传统鸡蛋糕,我喜欢。Whao! 还有陷的勒,一定棒极了。那咖啡mousse看起来好滑好滑哟!

Dorene said...

Margaret, now you are always the first to taste all the good food liao.

Die liao if Aunty Irene saw this comment sure to scold me and say"Who ask you dun come to my place."Hahaha

Eileen said...


哇,做了好多的传统鸡蛋糕,有甜的又有咸的,看了就想吃。虽然我不喝咖啡,可是我喜欢吃提拉米苏,所以我当然想吃Coffee Mousse啦,哈哈!

Michelle said...



Mabel said...


Hmmmm.... yummy yummy.... no word can describe all the good food over the weekend.

Too bad Nicole missed two weekends of good food liao, she will have a lot to catch up yo. And me too lah, coz it been a quite a long time since I been to Auntie Irene place.

Luckily, she is always ready to teach whenever I call her up and asked, once she even comments 'ai yo...你很长气我要看意难忘。 哈哈哈。。who more lo suo ah hee hee.

Jennifer said...


看到这传统鸡蛋糕,就让我想起小时我妈就只会蒸这种给我们吃,很有妈妈的味道哦!Coffee Mousse 看来很可口。

babygirl said...

Hi Margaret,

You very lucky can every week go Auntie house can try different try of food ^-^

Coffee mousse cake look very smooth & 传统鸡蛋糕 look very soft all very yummy, can i try some please?

Margaret said...


Hahaha, 这不裂嘴大笑的传统鸡蛋糕我也很喜欢, 好香哟! 因为又加多了蛋黄…. 有肉馅的的确棒极了,有’陷’的我还没尝过呢?! 哈哈哈…开个玩笑!

咖啡mousse真的很香滑, 很细滑!


Hahaha, yayaya, she will call you to scream at you…always so busy, can’t come still want to make this kind of comment….hahaha… but she is always so willing to teach you or give you if you fancy any food item…


喜欢吃提拉米苏, 不喝咖啡也应该可以接受Coffee Mousse…

咸的有馅鸡蛋糕又好吃又饱腹, 我觉得简单的当一轻餐吃也行…


快请教我们的auntie Irene师傅然后动手吧,你和你娘亲一定会喜欢的!你最近好象好忙噢, 别忙坏了身体喔! 有些人觉得烹饪可以解压哟! 嘻嘻~


It’s ok if Nicole have missed it, if only she requests for it, auntie Irene will try to cook it again… don’t say you lah (Singlish… hahaha) if Nicole is not here, you won’t appear ….

You are right, auntie Irene is always ready to teach whenever you call her up and asked…ya la, must avoid calling her during her golden tv watching times, like the 9pm slot also….hahaha…..she will be busy watching and recording…


我的妈妈不是很擅长烹饪糕点, 影像中好象曾蒸这种平滑的鸡蛋糕,因为裂嘴鸡蛋糕她蒸不成, 可是小小的我们闻到鸡蛋香, 知道妈妈在蒸蛋糕, 高兴的不得了, 也吃得津津有味.


I am indeed very fortunate to be able to sample so many different type of food prepared by Auntie Irene.

Sure sure… do help yourself with the yummy yummy Coffee mousse cake and 传统鸡蛋糕…hee hee…

(大家不要惊讶,以为我这么晚了还没睡哦, 其实我已经熟睡了几个钟头, 起身如厕时, 有点精神才上一下我的部落格的回复留言,嘻嘻~ 家人起来骂我了,又得回去会周公咯)

May said...
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May said...


哇!这coffee mousse cake 是我的最爱, 做的好漂亮又很细滑好诱人哦,看了令人垂涎欲滴,好想吃哦。。。

Unknown said...


星期天我也尝试了Aunt irene稍微改良的蒸肉馅鸡蛋糕,质感果然是更加松软又细腻哦!
哇!这coffee mousse cake 是我的最爱哟! 虽然我也是不喝咖啡,可是我只有咖啡味道。我以心满意足了,你的coffee mousse cake 的确看起来很香滑,我看了也垂涎欲滴,

Nicole Hah said...


wow!!! 鸡蛋糕的天哟!呵呵~~~

可惜啊!因为去了 KL, 又错过了这么的美食。。。 唉!!!

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an ordinary Singaporean lady beginner in baking