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Sunday, January 11, 2009


星期六只有我和auntie Irene 在厨房里忙。。。L-5 去捧Violet 的汇集促销活动,Nicole 放工后陪阿姨办年货,都分别在傍晚和晚上时才抵达auntie Irene 家。 为了配合即将到来的农历新年,auntie Irene 想到用方形的馄饨皮做一些金元宝,希望来临的新年大家吃了金钱滚滚来哟!这炸元宝的馅是采用猪肉和虾肉加上马蹄等材料制成,鲜甜美味不在话下。 我也随意做了两个炸石榴。不过与其说它们像大石榴 ,不如说它们像钱包袋! 希望大家在新年期间吃了它,个个钱袋满满!嘻嘻嘻~ 我们包完了馄饨皮,还有剩余的肉馅,auntie Irene 提议我把它搓成肉丸子拿去炸,也很不错哦。


瞧!这些就是水煮的鲜水饺了,饱满的馅料煮熟后隐约可见,看起来很lovely, 吃起来更加lovely, 让人欲罢不能。。。

把皮拨开来, 还可以看到好大块的虾哟!不论是炸的馄饨或水煮的鲜水饺都好吃,尤其是沾上辣椒酱和mayonnaise,一起送入口中,口感更棒,也为味道加分,超赞噢!不信的话,你们可以试试看!

星期天是我们大量生产kueh bangkit 的日子。。。L-5 和 Nicole 开始先做大一点的四角模型(后来次才改成做三角的小模型)。。。这些就是烘好的kueh bangkit 了,整齐的排列着。。。 在烘烤的当儿,阵阵诱人浓郁香兰鸡蛋椰香味从烤箱里传出,吃了更令人受不了。。。。
这只是一部分的kueh Bangkit 噢,先来个特写吧,看看它的立体感和脆感。。。 把一块外脆的kueh bangkit 往口里轻咬两下,然后含在口里,饼一接触到唾液,即溶化于口中,非常棒!这也是许多人梦寐以求的绝佳口感!

喔!这些就是我们全部的产量了,共八个罐,共计有五百五十多粒呢!在此,谢谢auntie Irene 赠送一罐给我和家人享用!
哈哈,我们星期天忙到连晚餐也没时间准备,事因下午抽出几个小时出席了auntie Irene 的侄女Wendy 小女儿的弥月之喜聚餐会,再回来继续烘制kueh bangkit和financies直到晚上。

由于auntie Irene 冰箱里有不少蛋白,为了不想再储存,也不要丢弃,就想到用它来做很久没做的国甜糕点 Financies. 一般上这糕点在餐馆都是现烘现吃的,因为这样才可尝到它的特点,香脆的表皮和带有些粘性软棉的蛋糕口感。

这糕点虽没有用到蛋黄,但是却有很香的蛋味,有点类似kueh baulu鸡蛋糕,不过口感更加棒!新年期间做它来款待访客,也是挺不错的糕点哦。

在此,谢谢auntie Irene 的教导和分享! 下个周末我们又有得大忙咯!嘻嘻~


L-5 said...


A very detailed description of the last 2 days activities. 我们 really 忙得不亦乐乎.:D

All food were so yummy. :)

Cheers :D

Dorene said...

wow Margaret, so many good food and cookies,see already very "tabolay tahan"

Michelle said...


Next week is the last week to prepare goodies lor....i m sure all of us will be v v super busy !!! But seeing all the goodies that had done i m sure we all will feel v satisfaction.

Unknown said...


哇!看到你们在一起忙做kueh Bangkit,一定很开心吧!你们做做鲜水饺,金元宝和Financies做得好漂亮哟!全部我都爱吃。

Nicole Hah said...



Margaret said...


thanks, indeed we are gearing up to produce lots and lots of CNY cookies, coz we only have 2 weeks to preapre...auntie Irene's kitchen will be super-busy for sure.

yup, the kueh bangkit really melts in the mouth, and the financies and dumplings were very yummy too!


u "tabolay tahan" then have to start making them to sample it, coz very difficult to get u to come to the east leh...hahaha...

I'm sure u will be pretty busy baking CNY cookies for your family and your siblings.


Ya, CNY is just round the corner as this year CNY arrives early in the 1st month of the year...ya, i m sure all of us including u will be v v super busy !!! all stuck in the kitchen making lots n lots of goodies...hahaha....


hahaha, 我们做得很开心,做了一盘又一盘的kueh Bangkit,同时动用两个烤箱呢...谢谢你的赞美,鲜水饺,金元宝和Financies真的好好吃!你一定要做来吃哦!



Eileen said...


的确,看了这么多糕点和美食,真的受不了。鲜水饺、金元宝、Financies和Kueh Bangkit,很想每样尝一点。

May said...


你们也生产了好多的Kueh Bangkit哦!听Auntie Irene讲这次的Kueh Bangkit加入了香兰汁,味道更香更美味。

Mabel said...

Hello Margaret

Here I come lor, hahaha.... so many dishes again, and this time only 3 of you doing it.

So envy Nicole, no need to make also get to eat. Lucky her.

I am sure your this coming weekend will also be very busy making more cookies at Auntie Irene place. I guess I will see you next year liao lor. 我们牛年间咯。 ;)

Margaret said...


不好意思,除了kueh bangkit,其它的都吃完了,是啊,食材虽然简单可是很好吃,哈哈,受不了,那可以考虑在新年时做来和家人分享哦!你已做了黄梨挞,这个周末轮到我们大量制作了...主要材料都买齐了,我也搓了黄梨馅了,准备就绪...


是啊!我们也烘制了和你不相上下的Kueh Bangkit, 入了香兰汁Kueh Bangkit,味道更香更美味,美中不足的是烘后色泽没像烘前那么绿,不过最重点是好吃有会溶化于口中.


hahaha...now then u know we super efficient + productive + hardworking...

u r right, this time Nicole really have koufu, have a great early supper...

U are absolutely correct! guess it will be like a mad house, non-stop production and baking... hah! so fast u say 我们牛年见咯报u dun want to meet us before CNY ...now it's my turn to miss u, u know...heehee...

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an ordinary Singaporean lady beginner in baking