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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Go GREEN Weekend - 绿色的周末美食


我们Kaypoh Club 的多位姐妹们的部落格也休息了大半个月了。。。收拾好心情我们今天终于开工了!

今年Auntie Irene忙着和我们一起专心制作新年糕饼,也没有像往年一样制作蛋糕,就连Kueh Lapis 也无暇制做。。。只有几位姐妹有制作,尤其是淘气的小凤,一连几晚彻夜不睡,做了五个来送礼, 有些还远至马来西亚呢!真行哟!这次她尝试做了香兰口味的Pandan Kueh Lapis,亲朋戚友都对它的柔软的质感赞不绝口。。。Auntie Irene 看到小凤的Pandan Lapis 做到如此漂亮和好吃,也心痒痒。。。于是敲定星期六约了我和Xueli 一起来做这绿色千层糕。 哇!这Pandan Kueh Lapis 真的是很香很软很好吃哦! 谢谢小凤的推荐!

星期天,久违回家过年的Nicole 也归队了。。。

我们用鳄梨和美奶滋等调成萨拉酱,随意加了黄瓜,Jumbu 和马铃薯做了 Salad with Avocado dressing,别有一番独特的风味,配搭爽脆的鲜果,很美味好吃. 你知道吗?鳄梨是少数的高脂低糖的水果,又能防心血管病,是一个营养健康的水果。

我们也做了焦糖百香水果萨拉 fruit salad. 哈哈哈,如果我不告诉你,你说乍看像不像水果'古喽肉'呀!

无巧不成书,星期天Auntie Irene 打算为'我爱厨房'单元教导的食谱是蒸香兰蛋糕(Steamed Pandan Cake),也是绿色的。加了香兰口味,蒸鸡蛋糕的香味又增值了。



Auntie Irene为在农历新年前庆祝生日的Mabel 制作北海道榴莲千层蛋糕前,先让我和Nicole一起复习制作,先尝为快!这个蛋糕的确很美味可口,尤其让喜欢吃蛋糕的人爱不释手!

谢谢Auntie Irene 的教导和分享!


May said...


可惜我得赶回家,不然可以和你们一起来做这绿色千层糕, 哇!这Pandan Kueh Lapis 看起来真的是很香软好吃,层次也很分明漂亮!

Salad with Avocado dressing 很特别,很吸引我,因为我也很喜欢吃 Salad.


Margaret said...

Hi May

aiya I can't get back my Chinese today, pardon me for replying in English...

thanks for your comment. Auntie Irene is right that most of us are now busy managing their cafe and have no time for blogging liao...hahaha....

ya, the pandan kueh lapis is indeed fragrant & soft. If you turn up on Sunday, you will still be able to try it...

Avocado mayonnaise dressing is creamy and nice, you may try to do it and eat with your favourite fruits & veggie.

Of course, you may have一片北海道榴莲千层蛋糕, durian cream yum yum, nice leh...

Unknown said...

好漂亮的Pandan Kueh Lapis哟!尤其层次非常分明, 这Pandan Kueh Lapis的确很香软。我在新年期间我也做了aunt irene给的新食谱,质的实在非常软。还有北海道榴莲千层蛋糕我还没吃过哟!看起来还不错耶!

Mabel said...

Hi Margaret,

哎呀,我真得很久很久没有读和写blog了。我也拍了新年糕点和团圆饭的照片可是没有机会放上网。因为又要 upload 又要写要很多时间,嘻嘻嘻。还有还要回comments, 你看我快念得blog都还没有回复。哈哈哈等一下师傅说我们都是在blog认识的要对blog有感情。


好了不要写了。see you soon. and catch up with you one day at Auntie Irene place. :)

Eileen said...



ahteekitchen said...


Margaret said...


thanks for your compliment for the Pandan Kueh Lapis!We also like it very much, the texture very soft and the layers are quite even...The 北海道榴莲千层蛋糕very nice, you like durian will sure like it...perhaps u can request for as your birthday cake, hahaha...


hahaha...you so long didn't surf and leave comments on the blog, still can type so many Chinese characters, thanks for the effort...my Chinese font settings gone again, don't want to waste time re-do for now so use English first first lor... 哎呀,我真得很久很久没有读和写blog了。哈哈哈sure Auntie Irene 师傅will scold lah...but she also spent much time busy cooking othe things now...heeheehee...

We also like the 北海道榴莲千层蛋糕 for the softness and creamy yummy durian. ya, your friends will be delighted to receive this unique birthday cake.

ok, catch up with you when we meet again at Auntie Irene's place :)


hahaha...think some for many of us...lazy + busy...now that we resume blogging, come visit us more often ya....hahaha...otherwise... Take a break this weekend,look forward to seeing your蒸香兰蛋糕next week lor.


好吃!thank you for dropping by!

Nicole Hah said...


ha ha... really green green weekend... thank you for share with me the Pandan Kueh Lapis... really nice...

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an ordinary Singaporean lady beginner in baking