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Sunday, August 24, 2008


星期六下午忙完家务来到auntie Irene 家,看到Joanne 已在杆着千层酥皮月饼的面团,由于错过auntie Irene 之前的教导和示范,我乐得从旁看Joanne 聚精会神的卷和炸着酥皮月饼,然后我也开始制作芋泥馅 。。。等黄昏时分才来的Nicole 一起学习制作这个蛮具挑战性的月饼。。。谢谢auntie Irene 的耐心教导...
这就是auntie Irene 的千层酥皮月饼了,层层细细的皮层,一圈一圈的,未经油炸时,看不出有那么多层,可是一经油炸,层层纹路就呈现出来了,是不是很不可思议? 月饼除了包裹绿豆馅料,也有自制的芋泥馅,我和Nicole 做了名副其实的潮州芋泥千层酥月饼。哇,芋泥馅非常香滑可口,月饼皮非常酥脆,生怕一碰触即碎,得小心翼翼的提取。。。
这些红彤彤漂亮的饮料是什么来的?猜对了吗?正是auntie Irene 亲手酿制的红糟酒啦!酿了足足六个星期所得到的收获。说起红糟酒,含有活性菌的红糟,医疗养生功效可多了。。。常饮用它能促进血液循环降血脂,仰制胆固醇预防心血管疾病,它不但能润肠温胃,还能活血去瘀气防癌。。。等等多种益处。。。不仅如此,它还是产后坐月子必备的食材。。。
这些是过滤红糟酒后,红糟酒渣搅成酱的酒糟,拿它来烹煮菜肴,如炒菜,煮红糟鸡和红糟面线汤,除了令菜色漂亮,增添美味,还非常的健康!谢谢auntie Irene 的分享!

这就是我们星期天晚餐之一,auntie Irene 用了红糟烹煮的红糟鸡,非常香浓入味,天然枣红色的色泽赏心悦目,难怪是auntie Irene 欲罢不能的菜肴。。。她说曾经连续两天几餐只吃红糟鸡配饭吃噢。。。嘻嘻~
这个奶香芝士虾球真的是超好吃!喧宾夺主抢了其它佳肴的风头!在炒的当儿,闻到一阵阵的奶油芝士特有的咸香味扑鼻而来,简直让超爱吃cheese的我们(auntie Irene, Nicole, Oink Oink 和我)忍无可忍,想马上把它送入口中,哈哈哈。。。但是我们还是忍下来了,嘻嘻! 浓郁的芝士奶油味搭配的鲜美味,细细嘴嚼,吃了满口留香,让人如痴如醉,回味无穷啊。。。

谢谢auntie Irene 的精心烹调,让我们尝到令人回味无穷的美食!
Auntie Irene 猛赞的咖啡酥,今天我们终于(托她的订购者的福)尝到了!烘烤时散发的香味已让人受不了了,酥皮非常的酥松,加入咖啡莲蓉馅,味觉简直是绝配!


翡翠石般的混合色彩是auntie Irene 灵机一动想到的效果,还真不错哟!

当我和Nicole一边做冰皮月饼一边观赏奥运闭幕典礼,auntie Irene 忙着筛选美食照片的当儿,May出其不意的来探班,还带来了自制的咖啡冰皮月饼金瓜糯米球金瓜红龟馃让auntie Irene 品尝,我和Nicole也有口福尝到这些赏心悦目又好吃的美食。。。May, 谢谢你的分享!


L-5 said...

Hi Margaret

Wah! All the food looks so yummy!

What a waste, I was busy with the Dog Show the last 2 days, if not can join in with u all.


Dorene said...

Margaret, so many food again.The Flaky Mooncake look great.Must ask Auntie Irene how to make liao.

Eileen said...



ds said...



Unknown said...


哇!aunt Irene又煮了那麽多美味佳肴给你们尝试。我也是口水也流到满地了。好喜欢奶香芝士虾球和芝士烤金瓜奶油黑胡椒虾。下次可要问aunt Irene煮这两样菜肴。

May said...

不谢!不谢! 知道你们一定还在Auntie Irene 家,所以就拿来给你们品尝,给点意见,Ang ku kueh的皮做得还不是很理想,我会加油的,希望下次会做得更好。

Nicole Hah said...


yesterday really enjoy, we have done so many thing, some more May also bring us some 月饼, Ondeh Ondeh & ang ku kueh...

i can save at least 2 ~ 3 days meal, ha ha ....

Mabel said...


All so yummies!! delicious, fantastic hahahah, all i also want to eat lei.

Nicole there sure no more left liao lah, you still have?

L-5 miss one week never mind lah, good to rest your stomache for a week hee hee....

Oink Oink said...

Margaret & Nicole,
Yeah, b4 I left, Auntie Irene still hesitating whether to make the 冰皮月饼,cos she said too much food liao, wow.. then in addition to May's sharing, wa sei,how to finish??
Btw, I love the cheese prawn ball & 咖啡酥 most. U?

Too bad I left early that day, if not can try your food too, hehe...


Margaret said...

hi l-5

wow u woke up early to check what yummy food we have had izit...hahaha...ya, u miss the great food...have programme can't be help lah, think your dogs and the dog show are more important, right?

Hi Dorene

thanks for compliment...ya, since u have made the flaky mooncake, think should be quite easy for u to do a good one after briefing by our master auntie Irene...but if can see her demo even better...

hi Eileen

酥皮月饼的制作蛮具挑战性的,要把皮杆得厚度平均,卷皮要齐,油的温度也好控制好,才能得到酥脆的千层皮效果。这是我们第一次做,有几粒也惨不忍睹,哈哈哈。。。谢谢你的赞美!奶油虾中间的那几片叶子点缀是薄荷叶。。。你知道我们的auntie Irene la, 唯美主义者,烹调食物一定要做到色香美味俱全,拍照也要美美的。。。嘻嘻~

hi ds

是啊,有时是要做厨房笔记的食谱,auntie Irene也做多了几样供晚餐享用。。。太多美食了,都迫不及待的要尝试。

你看到的千层酥皮月饼是auntie Irene做示范的,我代她谢谢你的赞美,我们做的很丑,不能上镜,哈哈哈。。。奶香芝士虾球的确是很好吃,非常香,虾又有鲜美有弹性,看了让人垂涎欲滴,吃了更让人意犹未尽,念念不忘它的滋味和口感,我相信没有几个人可以抗拒它的诱惑,除非他不喜欢吃cheese. 芝士烤金瓜奶油黑胡椒虾的确有餐馆的卖相。。。哈哈哈,流了口水可要记得抹地噢。。。

hi Joanne


hi May

谢谢你! 拿了那么多样好吃的糕点和我们分享,家人都赞不绝口,吃到津津有味。。。我把它当今天早餐了。。。给你加油!你一定会做到很完美的!

hi Nicole Hah

yeah really enjoy all the great food, especially our all time favourite cheese prawns...and May's yummy kueh kueh...thanks to all...

Is alright to eat them as breakfast or afternoon snack, but don't take it as meal, ok? hahaha... u still can't type Chinese yeah...

hi Mabel

yeah, hohoho...all yummies, delicious and fantastic....and satisfying!! hahahah... thought u supposed to come last Saturday?

Nicole just said the food can last her 2 - 3 days, so she sure will have some balance lah, hahaha... I still have but how to pass to you leh? u stay so west somemore...

aiya L-5 jia liao bee type, eat a lot of food also won't put on weight, not like us, eat more will put on weight and grow fat...hahaha...

hi Oink Oink

Yeah, we actually planned to stop work early to concentreate watchig the Olympic closing ceremony, at one point we taught to leave it till next week, but in the end still go ahead to try out the pandan jade pattern mooncake...good thing is quite fast job... then May surprise visit with more food, think if she turned up earlier, we would not think of making the 冰皮月饼 liao. hmm...spread a few days lor, have to start with eating those which can't keep fresh for long.

ya, auntie Irene was lamenting u 'sayang lor' left too early, otherwise can try May's kueh...hahaha

Yup, if really want me to choose, I love the cheese prawn ball & 咖啡酥 most, same as u...heehee...

May said...


说到Auntie Irene 的咖啡酥,真的很好吃,还有翡翠冰皮月饼,芋泥很香,皮很软,真的要谢谢你们,我才有口福尝到。

Hi Oink Oink,

Yeah lor, but nvm next time still got chance to try lah.

Margaret said...


谢谢你的赞美, Auntie Irene 的咖啡酥的确香酥好吃,还有翡翠冰皮月饼也不赖,芋泥很香,皮很软倒是真的,我们今天早上才把它当早餐,依然那么的软...哈哈...不谢,不谢,礼尚往来嘛,你也来得正是时候,刚好这两样刚好做好了,有好吃的美食大家分享,其乐无穷...

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an ordinary Singaporean lady beginner in baking