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Monday, October 29, 2007

28 Oct 07 星期天小聚会

Nicole, XueLi, Mary, 还有来学烘焙的Sally,昨天到auntie Irene 家做了几样美食。这次孩子刚考完试的Mary难得可以呆久一点和我们一起做学习制作粽筒椰香小公主。我们人数虽少,可是产量可不小哦,嘻嘻~

这次的烧烤Nonya粽筒比上个星期天更美味可口哦,因为馅肉炒得更入味,更香!简直口齿留香! 谢谢Nicole 的准备工夫!

[很不好意思叻...之后才知道,原来上个星期天我们做的粽筒,我们劳苦功高的auntie Irene没有尝到噢...] 不过,这次肯定可以让她吃个痛快咯!!哈哈~

这次我们用auntie Irene 刚买的漂亮的糕模做了好多好多的椰香小公主椰香小王子(后者的产生有一个起源,那就是因为... pandan essence 用完了啦,急智多谋的auntie Irene 就地取材,创出另一种色彩来的!哇~ 拍出来黄澄澄的颜色还真鲜艳漂亮哟!还抢了小公主的光芒!真是意想不到。)我们一共做了三轮,试用两种不同的粉来比较口感,auntie Irene 终于得出了结论。。。
瞧!我们shui shui 的广告小姐Nicole 托了一大盘的 kueh Ampen 好开心,好满足哦! (Nicole, 喜欢吗? 这是auntie Irene的杰作,要感谢她哦!)

糕点做完毕,经过几轮的左摆,右移,咔嚓,咔嚓 一番,大家终于可以坐下来和auntie Irene一起慢慢享用晚餐咯!好难得啊! 像一家人在一起吃饭一样!


auntie Irene特别煲了西式橙香蔬菜营养饭粒带有橙汁口味奶油香,配合多种蔬菜和香菇一起吃,又健康又好吃!想不想做来吃? 别急别急,auntie Irene会把食谱编写出来,在Violet 的《我的厨房笔记》里呈现给大家。。。拭目以待哦。。。

还要谢谢Mary 带来她的拿手好菜肉嫩美味红烧排骨健康无色素饭馃auntie Irene加菜


嘻嘻~~ 大家都吃到胀鼓鼓的。 这么多食物,当然吃不完啦,于是我们都分了不少的粽筒和椰香小公主回去与家人分享呢!羡慕我们的大丰收吧!哈哈~

Saturday, October 27, 2007

鄭少秋 - 笑看風雲


Monday, October 22, 2007

欢乐满屋 - Sharon 生日聚餐会

热情好客的auntie Irene 别出心裁,想要提前为在这个星期四1025日生日的Sharon来一个surprise 生日聚餐会,让平时难得有机会聚在一块的kaypo club members 和一些 baking students cum friends 一起为她庆祝。当天笑声连连不断的从auntie Irene 的屋里传出,尤其是当我们调皮的auntie Irene 导播手握摄像机,不停的瞄准我们录影, 害我和一些姐妹们惊慌得四处乱窜,闪避镜头。。。哈哈~
当天我们有机会学习制做Nonya风味的糯米粽筒,大家同心协力把它包裹好;用心良苦的auntie Irene还特地示范cream puff & eclair 的制作让把cream puff 做得不像cream puff Sharon学着做。。嘻嘻~。。auntie Irene师傅做的durian cream puff 真的是好完美和好吃哟!

再次感谢劳苦功高的auntie Irene打从星期五就开始忙着准备材料)和鼎力协助auntie Irene Nicole(从星期六下午放工后就过来过夜);在家里烹调糕点美食带过来的Joanne, Joann Mary,她们都不予余力的准备了满桌令人十指大动的美食佳肴;还有所有的出席者 Sharon, Dorene, Xueli, Richard, Mabel, Oink Oink 我们的开心果小Oink, 让聚会生色不少,一同度过了一个充满欢乐和感动的星期天。

可爱纯真的Birthday Girl Sharon 感动到脸部范红,想在洒泪之前,蹲下来躲避我们的视线和镜头呢!哈哈~ 我也被感动到眼眶泛泪。。。哎哟!叫人怎么受得了啊!

在这里预祝Sharon 生日快乐,心想事成!

这是Auntie Irene 亲自为Sharon 制作的 Mango Mousse Cake



Thursday, October 18, 2007


一道从未呈献的 chocolate pudding cup cake

auntie Irene 说好久没做这cup cake


cup cake 真是可爱oh

仅仅1日之差, 2种不同的口感, 让我惊讶不已!

昨晚品尝: 浓郁芳香, 松软微湿……

今早品尝: 哗! 不得了, 含在口里, 即刻就溶化了,
完全感觉不到是在吃蛋糕, 就好像在吃纯巧克力一般 ...

我深深的... 深深的... 陶醉了………

玛丽啊!玛丽! auntie Irene 三催四请要你尝试做这个美味小品,
可是你就是迟迟未有行动 ...

噢~~不好意思咯! 让我等抢先一步了!嘻嘻~

Monday, October 15, 2007

魅力十足的 Chocolate Torte

上个星期日我也有这个荣幸拿到了几个chocolate torte 回家 (再谢谢auntie Irene!) weekdays 一直没有时间烘来慢慢享用,星期天早上就烘了两个和家人一起分享。。。

哗!火山爆发咯!浓郁的巧克力溶浆缓缓的溢流出来,它的醇香散发开来,弥漫在空气中,久久不散 。。。它不容你快快吞咽,只许你慢慢细细的品尝, 才能感受到它独特迷人的魅力,简直无法挡。。。如果再配上一些香草雪糕一起吃,就更加锦上添花了。。。hmmmm~~~ yummy yummy...尝过它的人,肯定会对它情有独钟,念念不忘。。。


昨天去auntie Irene 的家,除了再与JoannE 和 Oink Oink 做了两轮的 kuih Makmur (这之后auntie Irene 说今年不想再做这个马来糕点了), 我也因为看了勇于尝试的Mary最近做了巧克力杏仁蛋糕,好奇心驱使下,想知道这蛋糕的质感味道, 于是要求 auntie Irene 做一个来瞧瞧品尝。。。 谢谢热心的auntie Irene 的细心教导!

果然 chocolate almond cake 的虽然一看像似pure chocolate,它的口感可没有后者的实感,却有类似chiffon cake 的软绵,外皮是香脆的 - auntie Irene 说隔天蛋糕会更软和spongy。这蛋糕不但有浓郁的巧克力香味,也有一些杏仁粉粒的香脆,很香很好吃,另外,它还有些像chocolate torte 的外层蛋糕的口感呢!真是妙不可言!

(注: 这个post 是我这个还精神奕奕的夜猫子,索性一边看<综艺大哥大>,一边draft 的!嘻嘻!因为估计隔天有会议,将会比较忙咯...这是我第一次这么'用功'三更半夜电脑打字,不过我希望不要养成这个坏习惯,哈哈!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Lobster 新鲜大龙虾

Yeah! .... finally sort out downloading images from my mobile phone....presenting another better picture of the fresh lobster taken with it ..... from this pix can see the 鲜龙虾肉片摆在冰雹上和用来煮龙虾肉的 steam boat 高汤....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Seafood Feast 活海鲜大餐

Last week, my colleagues & I were invited to a project completion celebration dinner at one of the restaurants in Turf City. It’s my first time there having this expensive live seafood feast and we enjoyed the sumptuous seafood very much. Under normal circumstances, one will not want to spend big bucks eating there because it's rather pricy, not unless it is a treat or there’s windfall lah - so my colleague reckoned that 'die die' must make it to the dinner…hahaha…

I shall present to you some of the delicious food we have had….. actually we had many other nice dishes, but my colleague was too busy eating, so didn’t bother to take picture of the other dishes…

Not sure if this is 鲍翅汤,the soup was simply tasty & rich!

Steamed Sung Hock Fish – my boss told us that this size of fish is the best, it is sweeter and tenderer. For this size, it costs around S$200! Actually we already had a much bigger & expensive 老鼠斑 earlier,however the chef had overdone the fish, so the host made a complaint and so we were compensated with this smaller Sung Hock Fish. We were very satisfied with this small fish.

Fresh lobster on ice – if you don’t like eating it raw, can dip into the steam boat first. The remaining flesh stuck in the shell were used in the fried noodle served before dessert. (The photo looks rather scary hor....because my colleage took this picture too close-up.)

Fried soft shell crabs – i'ts very crispy & fragrant.

This is our favourite dish for the night, steamed cold Alaska crab, their legs were so chunky & meaty, we didn't have enough of it, really yummy yummy! I heard one such crab easily costs over S$150, perhaps more for this large crab!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

令人难忘的老情歌 - 情难枕, 缘, 萍聚

这是auntie Irene 所喜爱的歌曲∶林慧萍的情难枕, 高胜美的缘和李翊君的萍聚 .... 亲爱的Auntie Irene,一次过献给您慢慢欣赏噢! 请笑纳!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Durian Cream Puff, Creamy Potatoes Mushrooms Soup &三杯肉

这是我昨天做的三样[我的厨房笔记]教的食谱:榴莲cream puff 当下午茶和今天的早餐, 马铃薯蘑菇浓汤, 三杯猪肉 for dinner.

榴莲cream puff 是我的第二次尝试,是比上一次好, 虽然不是非常理想,但是还蛮喜欢它的口感。最满意的就是没有加香精的durian cream filling, 我填了满满的cream在puff里面,吃过的人都说好吃!

Creamy Potatoes Mushrooms Soup is very nice too, thanks to Mary for sharing this recipe. I couldn’t get oregano, so 'bo pian' used what I’ve got in the kitchen, the mixed herbs, in replacement. The soup tastes just as good.

As I do not have chicken meat in the fridge, I used pork ribs instead (it was actually intended for 肉骨茶) to cook the 三杯肉 . I still think chicken is still a better choice as it is more tender.

另一道菜肴是lady fingers fried with sambal chilly & asam juice, 也是炒得很软和入味。


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an ordinary Singaporean lady beginner in baking