here are some of the photographs taken during yesteray's NDP Preview...see whether u can spot how many parachuters, the flying big Singapore flag, the helicopters, the parade march in from Suntec ...the pictures were taken from 51st storey of Swisstel The Stamford hotel. Our family booked 2 rooms, joined by niece, nephews + their friends as we wanted to have an arial view of the whole performance which covers air, land & sea this year at the new Marina promenade site. Pardon me for the poor quality images as I didn't use a superb camera to take those pictures from afar, and the weather is not doing me a favour either - it's rather misty after the afternoon downpour. Just wanted to share the excitements while watching, enjoy....
- Welcome to my blog...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Chocolate cake
This is the first chocolate cake that I've done the icing all by myself, it's not easy to get it nicely coated。Only Auntie Irene can do it in a breeze 她不用吹灰之力就可以很快的搞定它. 不好意思,我知道装饰得很丑no standard,不要骂我哦,下次我会做得更好的! I still need a lot of practices la... I'm quite pleased with the dark chocolate, it tastes very nice and yummy - i don't like it to be too creamy so have slightly reduced the fresh cream. Do u like to have a slice of cake to go with your cup of coffee or tea?
yummy food
Friday, July 27, 2007
潘安邦演唱会 - 8月17&18日 + 洪邵轩CD
校园民谣风歌手潘安邦将会在8月17 & 18日在新加坡办演唱会。上半场校园民歌和新谣,下半场老歌金曲。 我很怀旧,喜欢听七八九十 年代的歌曲,所以定购了票。 向朋友取票时,惊喜的收到一份赠品:洪邵轩的心曲加精选限量版双CD,歌曲好好听,棒哦!
my thoughts
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Grapefruit / Orange Enzyme
This is my 2nd enzyme using graphfruit & orange (8:2) It's so niceee........... like to have a sip, anyone?
My 1st mango enzyme 酵素
我也是较迟才开始做 auntie Irene 所介绍的 enzyme 的。以上就是我在16 June 07 第一次尝试用芒果做的小瓶装enzyme. 四天后掀开盖搅拌水果时泡沫多到溢出来呢....只不过14天收成后发现浓缩后的果汁好像只可喝上一个星期。 做成的enzyme有一股很呛的酒味 ,酸甜甘香好喝.
Auntie Irene 说长期喝有益身体; 过滤后的lemon和一些水果馇,拿来涂抹在脸和皮肤,20分钟再冲洗,会有美白和改善肤色的效果。你们试了没?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Starting of my blog
千呼万唤声中,终于决定就今天开始自己先摸索怎样制作一个blog, 看看会不会太难搞。所谓 万事起头难,无论如何总要先有一个开始嘛,往后才慢慢 更正和填补不足。如有问题,再请教多位blog专家朋友。
迟迟不想拥有一个blog因为有所顾虑。例如: 怕没时间 manage啦; 因平时很少拍生活和周遭照片的habit,也担心没东西post or update会被骂啦, 等等等。更不想 让blogger friends 进来我的寒舍,却失望而归。所以在此,先做个声明,恳请大家不要对我有太大的要求和期盼,我会竭尽所能拍一些照片和写点东西与大家分享的。希望大家多多包涵体谅哦!
my thoughts
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